2024 Chakra Yoga Workshop

When: Tuesdays @ 6:30-8:00pm,
February 20th – April 2nd
Where: Yoga Daily,
1965 Riviera Dr #2A, Mt Pleasant, SC 29464
Cost: $140 early bird;
$149 after February 11th
How: Email tricia@yogadailymountpleasant.com,
RSVP on the MindBody app,
or sign up at yogadailymountpleasant.com
Who: Everyone is welcome!


Class Description
Chakras are energy centers within the body that are vital for healthy human functioning. We live in a culture that emphasizes the importance of managing one’s time and money. As a result, many of us do not have the skills needed to effectively manage our energy and emotions. The Chakra Yoga series is designed to teach you how to manage your energy and live a more emotionally aware, confident, and grounded life.
The Chakra Yoga Series is a 7-week series that uses mindful movement, restorative postures, and meditation to explore the physical, emotional, and spiritual aspects of each chakra. Participating in these classes will increase awareness of imbalances and blocks in one’s energy, as well as provide individuals with tools to balance and open these powerful energy centers.
What to Expect:
Each session is 90 minutes and will begin with a 10-15 minute lecture on the Chakra System. Students are then guided through 45-50 minutes of a combination of breathwork, meditation, and yoga asana. Our movement practice is followed by 30 minutes of group discussion. This includes time for asking, questions, journaling, and sharing personal reflections, and focuses on building community and self-awareness through discussion. Speaking during the group discussion portion of class is always optional. Your quiet presence will always be appreciated, too.
Educational materials will be provided to you at each session. You will receive weekly questions for reflection and the yoga posture sequence to take home and practice. To experience the maximum effects of chakra work, I recommend practicing each asana sequence 1-2 times per week on your own and committing to answering 2-3 reflection questions each day.
What to Bring/Wear:
  • Water
  • Journal & pen
  • Yoga Mat
  • Comfortable, stretchy clothing
About Haley

Haley is a Certified Professional Coach (CPC) and Yoga Teacher (E-CYT 250) who specializes in eating disorder recovery and psycho-spiritual wellness. Haley began teaching the sacred practice of yoga in 2016, after discovering the mental health benefits of yoga in high school. Over the past 8 years, Haley has taught classes all across the country, from the Coral Pink sand dunes of southern Utah to lakeside classes in northern Pennsylvania. For Haley, yoga is about connecting with and taking care of oneself. Understanding that each individual is a source of divine knowledge, Haley’s goal is to facilitate classes that encourage students to connect to the teacher within.