About Cosana Coaching

Cosana comes from the joining of two latin words— "co" meaning "together" and "sana" meaning "healthy, whole, and healing."  Cosana describes our belief that we can access greater health and healing together.

Our coaches are professionally trained to use their own experiences in recovery to empower and support clients in healing their relationship with food, body, and Self, resulting in greater wholeness, happiness, and health.  

As experts in eating disorder recovery and psycho-spiritual wellness, we reject the idea of a "one-size fits all" approach to health. Health looks and feels different for everyone. No two pathways are the same, and we celebrate them all. Our coaches want to honor the nuanced and intimate nature of every client's relationship with food, body, and Self, and help the client to do the same.


  1. Health At every size
  2. Weight neutrality
  3. Non-judgment
  4. Rebuilding inner trust
  5. Balance
  6. Seeing self as more than a body
  7. Exploring relationships with other substances
  8. Self-sovereignty and power restoration as integral components of recovery
  9. Honoring your unique path and pace
  10. Small, sustainable changes
  11. Holistic conversations about wellness, allowing space for both science and spirituality

What Does Recovery Look Like?

I do not diet,

nor restrict.

I am allowed to eat whatever I please.

I do not weigh myself,

or punish myself,

or have to “earn” the meals I eat.

I don't panic when I get too full, 

nor do I care about calories. 

My decisions are clear

and free from fear.

With my health, I feel trustworthy.

I do not abide by food rules.

I don't need guidelines to keep me safe.

I trust my gut

to know what

my being will appreciate.

If I eat cake for breakfast, 

I do not feel guilt, 

or shame.

My body is invited to change as I grow,

I am free from the pressure to stay the same.


~ Haley

Ready to reach out?

Call, text, or email us to determine how eating disorder coaching could help you or a loved one heal.