Chakra Yoga Energy Healing for Eating Disorder Recovery Group Recovery Coaching Program

ABOUT THE PROGRAM: Chakra Yoga Energy Healing for Eating Disorder Recovery is a 7-week virtual group coaching program for women who are ready to:
- Release self hate, guilt, & shame
- Regulate their nervous systems (without using food or controlling their weight),
- Feel safe & at home in their bodies again,
- Rebuild a healthy relationship with themselves
- Connect with other women in a supportive, judgement-free environment
- Figure out who they are beyond body dysmorphia & disordered eating
WHAT'S INCLUDED: A safe space for women looking to take the “I’m fine” mask off, revolutionize their eating disorder recovery, cultivate a healthy relationship with themselves free from self-hate & shame, and finally experience ease with eating, peace in their body, & confidence in who they really are.
Includes: 21 hours with Haley Schiek in group, yoga instruction, a weekly workbook with prompts for self-reflection to bring to process in group, a private Telegram group; 60 minutes of private coaching (if you sign up before June 1st!), as well as a playlist for each of the 7 weeks of the program.
PROGRAM STRUCTURE: There are 2 group sessions per week for the duration of the 7-week program:
2 Hour Weekly Zoom Session (Monday)
- 10-15 minute teaching
- 45-60 minute yoga flow
- 30-45 minute discussion
60 Minute Weekly Processing Session (Thursday)
- Check-In + Coaching Call (Zoom): Ask questions, share feelings, receive coaching, bring forward and receive guidance on moving through sticky emotions & beliefs; connect with your community, process feelings & triggers, reflect on journaling prompts
BONUS (if you sign up before June 1st): Recieve 2 30-minute private energy audits with Haley during the 7 week series
- Get undivided attention & support in two private calls with Haley to process your experience further, gain insight into your energy system, & overcome obstacles you're facing in creating your DREAM relationship with food, body, & Self by looking closer at your Chakras.
WHEN: The Chakra Yoga Energy Healing group coaching program starts June 11th
Who Chakra Yoga Energy Healing is for
This program is for you if you...
- remember the size jeans you wore more than you remember the actual vacation
- spend 50-75% of your day consumed by thoughts of food
- Are ready to be done hiding your eating habits in shame &
- are curious about identifying the root issues in your relationship with food
- feel mad about the “summer body” billboards & want to make sure you don’t turn that anger inward by starting another diet yet again
- You’re ready to rebel against diet culture, ditch the self-hate, and finally enjoy not just summer, but your LIFE again!
Chakra Yoga Energy Healing Program Outcomes
- Go from spending 50-75% of your day consumed by thoughts of food and anxiety about eating to experiencing mental freedom & ease with nourishing yourself
- Learn how to break the horrendous cycle of restricting/binging/weight loss/weight gain to so you can enjoy a more satisfying relationship with food
- Move beyond “recovery” mode to simply live life “like a normal person,” free from the prison of addiction, disordered eating, & shame.
- Learn how to work with your human energy field (HEF) to transform your view of yourself WITHOUT changing your body!
- Instead of viewing yourself as a body first, a person second, your perspective will expand to see your body a home for your soul, something that is alive, divinely intelligent, & totally worthy of love, kindness, & respect NOW
- Go from viewing your body as this “bad” thing that needs to be changed & controlled to this beautiful vessel for your soul, here to serve your spirit in creating the most fulfilling, vibrant life possible
- NO MORE PRESSURE TO BE SKINNY. Rebel against diet culture with EASE (and even start to get a kick out of other people’s diet talk instead of always feeling triggered by it)
- Gain a plethora of tools to add to your recovery toolkit. Using these tools instead of relying on your ED to cope will build self-confidence and self-trust.
- Release self-hate, self-harm, & self-sabotage by uprooting negative beliefs about yourself & the world, replacing them with a more kind, true, & useful perspective
- Go from SURVIVING recovery to THRIVING in life.
- Rediscover the joy of eating, transitioning from ambivalence or reluctance to embracing the importance of and pleasure in daily nourishment.
There are only 10 spaces available!
- Sign up before June 1st to receive a $500 discount
- Attend the “How to ‘Feel Skinny’ Without Losing Any Weight” Masterclass on May 13th or watch the replay to receive $700 off the program (valid through June 1, not to be combined with other discounts)
- Current coaching clients receive a $777 discount through June 5th.
Start one-to-one coaching NOW to unlock this benefit.
SAVE MONEY & YOUR HEALTH! Four weeks of inpatient treatment for disordered eating is (on average) $30,000. This program is only $2,000.
Chakra Yoga Energy Healing for Eating Disorder Recovery will empower you to become your own healer, relying less on the medical system (external health authorities) and more on your own intuition, energy system, emotions, & self-understanding to support and continue your healing.
With this level of self-trust, you can confidently advocate for yourself in conversations with doctors, therapists, & nutritionists to say “this is who I am, this is what works for me, and this is the level of respect, care, and attention I know I deserve.”