Chakra Yoga Energy Healing for Eating Disorder Recovery Group Coaching Program (Fall) (Copy)


Chakra Yoga Energy Healing for Eating Disorder Recovery is a 7-week group coaching program for women looking for a safe space to take the “I’m fine” mask off, revolutionize their eating disorder recovery, cultivate a healthy relationship with themselves free from the shackles of self-hate & shame, and finally experience ease with eating, peace in their body, & confidence in who they really are.

10 in stock


ABOUT THE PROGRAM: Chakra Yoga Energy Healing for Eating Disorder Recovery is 7-week virtual group coaching program for women who are ready to:

  • Release self hate, guilt, & shame
  • Regulate their nervous systems (without using food!),
  • Feel safe & at home in their bodies again,
  • Rebuild a healthy relationship with themselves
  • Connect with other women in a supportive, judgement-free environment
  • Figure out who they are beyond body dysmorphia & disordered eating

Includes 21 hours of time with Haley Schiek in group, a weekly workbook with prompts for self-reflection to bring to process in group, a private Telegram group; 60 minutes of private coaching (if you sign up before June 1st!), as well as a playlist for each of the 7 weeks of the program.

PROGRAM STRUCTURE: Each week includes 2 group sessions:

  • 2 Hour Weekly Zoom session 
    • 10-15 minute teaching
    • 45-60 minute yoga flow
    • 30-45 minute discussion
  • 60 Minute Weekly Processing Check-In + Coaching Call
    • Ask questions, share feelings, receive coaching, bring forward and receive guidance on moving through sticky emotions & beliefs; connect with your community, process feelings & triggers, reflect on journaling prompts 
  • BONUS (if you sign up before Sept 1st): Receive 2 30-minute private energy audits during the series
    • Get undivided attention & support in a private call with Haley to dive deeper into your unique aspirations & obstacles in creating your DREAM relationships with food, body, & Self by looking closer at your Chakras

There are only 10 spaces available!

Opportunities for Discounts:

  • Sign up before September 1st to receive a $500 discount
  • Attend the “Intro to Energy Healing” Masterclass on August 13th (or watch the replay) to receive $700 off the program (valid through Sept 1, not to be combined with other discounts)
  • Enter the raffle for FREE enrollment (See IG for info)
  • Current coaching clients receive a $777 discount through September 7th. 
    • Start one-to-one coaching NOW to unlock this benefit.

Why Choose This Program?

  • Save Money & Your Health: One month of inpatient treatment for disordered eating costs, on average, $30,000. Our program is only $2,000, spans over two months, & enables you to remain in a “real world” setting, providing you with valuable lifelong tools to support, guide, and continue your healing.
  • Comprehensive Support: Unlike short-term inpatient treatments, this program offers ongoing support, guidance, and tools to continue your healing journey over a longer period, ensuring lasting results.
  • Real-World Implementation: You’re still living in a real-world setting, not separate from your daily life stressors. This allows you to better implement what you learn in the program, fostering genuine healing and growth in your everyday environment.
  • Chakra Yoga Energy Healing: This program will empower you to become your own healer, relying less on external health authorities (e.g., nutritionists and IG influencers) and more on your own intuition, energy system, emotions, and self-knowledge.
  • Self-Advocacy: With this level of self-trust, you will confidently be able to advocate for yourself in conversations with doctors, therapists, and nutritionists, asserting, “This is who I am, this is what works for me, and this is the level of respect, care, and attention I know I deserve.” Never feel forced to step on a scale.
  • Tools for Life: We provide practical tools and strategies that you can use beyond the program duration, helping you maintain and build on your progress.
  • Healthier Future: Investing in this program means investing in a sustainable approach to recovery, prioritizing your long-term health and well-being.
  • Transferable Skills: The skills and strategies you learn are transferable to various aspects of your life, empowering you to manage stress, build resilience, and maintain a balanced lifestyle without relying on disordered eating to cope.

By choosing our program, you’re making a smart investment in both your financial and physical health, setting yourself up for lasting success and stability in your recovery journey.


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