Chakra Yoga Energy Healing: Private (Individual) 7-Week Program


Chakra Yoga Energy Healing is a 7-week private coaching program that will teach you how to use the seven chakras to heal your nervous system; improve your self-regulation & relaxation capabilities; cultivate spiritual wellness; release emotions, beliefs, experiences, relationships, responsibilities, and behavior patterns that no longer serve you; and prevent the development or worsening of both mental & physical disease.

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The Chakra Yoga series is a 7-week course designed to teach you how to manage your energy, release your past, and live a more emotionally aware, confident, & grounded life.

ABOUT THE PROGRAM: Chakra Yoga Energy Healing is 7-week (21hr) virtual coaching program for individuals who are ready to:

  • Release chronic negative emotions such as self hate, guilt, rage, & shame
  • Regulate their nervous systems (without using food, substances, sex, or other coping mechanisms!),
  • Feel safe & at home in their bodies again,
  • Rebuild a healthy relationship with themselves
  • Build a spiritual relationship with the divine
  • Figure out who they are beyond body dysmorphia & disordered eating

Includes 21 hours of 1:1 time with Haley Schiek, as well as a weekly workbook with prompts for self-reflection to bring to process in session, as well as a playlist for each of the 7 weeks of the program.

PROGRAM STRUCTURE: Each week includes 2 sessions (3hrs) of 1:1 coaching

  • 2 Hour Weekly Embodiment & Education Session (Zoom) 
    • 10-15 minute chakra teaching
    • 45-60 minute yoga flow
    • 30-45 minute discussion
  • 60 Minute Weekly Processing Check-In + Coaching Call (Zoom)
    • Ask questions, share feelings, receive coaching, bring forward and receive guidance on moving through sticky emotions & beliefs; process feelings & triggers, reflect on journaling prompts 

Chakra Yoga Energy Healing will empower you to become your own healer, relying less on the medical system (external health authorities) and more on your own intuition, energy system, emotions, & self-understanding to support and continue your healing. 

With this level of self-trust, you can confidently advocate for yourself in conversations with romantic partners, friends, family, doctors, therapists, & other mental health providers to say “this is who I am, this is what works for me, and this is the level of respect, care, and attention I know I deserve.” 


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